Người gửi: |
Phí Đình Thảo |
Ngày đăng: |
21/03/2021 |
Dung lượng: |
4.73 MB |
**O V E R V I EW :**
**Freelancer activities web template for Landing page** is a clean and unique design so far using the latest trendy material design for **creative, agency, studio, activities, freelancers, work, balance, art directors, photographer, games,3d** and other.
**H I G H L I G H T S**
* Compatibility with Adobe Illustrator, Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma
* 100% Scalable All Files
**I N C L U D E D**
* 01 EPS, 01 SVG, 01 SKETCH, 01 XD, 01 FIGMA, 01 PNG Template files included
* 01 instructional file – Help guide
** N O T E :** The Mock-up and photos are not included.