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Phí Đình Thảo |
Ngày đăng: |
06/07/2020 |
Dung lượng: |
335.76 MB |
Funded is a Drupal commerce platform built on Drupal commerce, bootstrap and sass. Its fully functional including user profiles, products management, Project detail pages with social media integration, Paypal integration (Drupal commerce has many other payment providers), landing pages, easy management and a super easy installation profile. Just click your way to a pre configured crowdfunding platform.
Everything is built in for a fully functional crowdfunding site. Users are able to create their own projects, rewards, setup their own project page and build a community around their projects. Projects can get a pending status and administrators can aprove the pending projects via a backoffice UI built specifically for it. Payments are processed and increase the number of backers, progress of the project, users list etc.. Everything is immediately available plug and play!
Its built using bootstrap, it also provides a subtheme so that upgrades are easy to do and all your customizations are separate from the main theme.
Full documentation on how to set everything up is provided, including video tutorials on how to use the built in installation profile, install on an existing site, or just upload the database dump file.
Easy to create landing pages using bootstrap layouts, full documentation included. Also include banner images / slideshows on any page of the site with a specific content type created for that. Everything you need for a perfect landing page.
Includes all sass files, using the SAMCSS standard for good architecture and folder management of sass files.
The theme uses all the best practices of Drupal using features for configuration management, subthemes, preprocess functions and templates, views, and much more.
Included is also a extensive list of shortcodes including elements of the boostrap platform such as wells, dropcaps, buttons, alerts, messages etc.