Người gửi: |
Phí Đình Thảo |
Ngày đăng: |
02/09/2020 |
Dung lượng: |
80.47 MB |
Zeiss is a Responsive Admin Template fully featured premium admin template built with Bootstrap 3.3.7, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and LESS, beautiful features ready to use.
**Live Demo:**
* **Light version:**
* **Menu Dark version:**
* **Horizontal version:**
* **Full Drak version:**
* **RTL Light version:**
* **RTL Dark version:**
* **RTL Horizontal version:**
* **RTL Full Drak version:**
**List pages:**
* Home
* Typography
* User Interface
* Buttons
* Cards
* Draggable Cards
* Checkboxs-Radios
* Material Design Icons
* Font Awesome
* Themify Icons
* Modals
* Notification
* Range Slider
* Components
* Sweet Alert
* Tree view
* Widgets
* Components
* Charts
* + Other Chart
* + Chartjs Chart
* + Chartist Charts
* + Morris Chart
* + Flot Chart
* X-editable
* WYSIWYG Editors
* Form Upload
* Form Wizard
* Form Validation
* Advanced Form
* General Elements
* Forms
* Calendar
* Tables
* + Basic Tables
* + Data Table
* + Responsive Table
* + Editable Table
* Additions
* Mail
* Pages
* + Starter Page
* + Login
* + Register
* + Recover Password
* + Lock Screen
* + Confirm Mail
* + Error 404
* + Error 500
* Extra Pages
* + Projects
* + Tour
* + Taskboard
* + Task Detail
* + Profile
* + Maps
* + Contact List
* + Pricing
* + Timeline
* + Invoice
* + FAQ
* + Gallery
* + Email template
* + Maintenance
* + Coming-soon