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Tổng cộng có: 51 file
It can be used as Full Screen Multimedia Background or Gallery and Full Width Multimedia Slider
Tags: background, gallery, ios, jquery, plugin, responsive, slider, video, vimeo, wordpress, youtube, fullscreen, mobile
Danh mục: Wordpress Template
Thorn is a responsive grid tumblr theme built specifically for photo bloggers.
Tags: cover, gallery, grid, jquery, minimal, minimalistic, modern, responsive, sidebar, slideshow, theme, infinitescrolling, infinitescroll, tumblr
Danh mục: Web tin tức
Add a sleek social bar in your articles and pages, to boost your page views.
Tags: articles, clean, css3, dark, elegant, fast, html5, jquery, lightweight, professional, responsive, share, social, unique, wordpress
Danh mục: Wordpress Template
A responsive grid Tumblr theme built in a modernistic style.
Tags: tumblrthemes, tumblr, themes, modern, clean, grid, minimal, slideoutsidebar, jquery, hovereffect, socialicons, socialfeeds
Danh mục: Web tin tức
addon, elementor, jquery, modal popup, plugin, popup, popup box, popup builder, responsive, respons
Tags: addon, elementor, jquery, modal, popup, plugin, popup, box, builder, responsive, respons
Danh mục: Wordpress Template
This WordPress plugin can be used as an YouTube & Vimeo video player or as a multimedia slider.
Tags: fullscreen, html5, ios, jquery, layers, media, mobile, player, playlist, responsive, video, video, vimeo, wordpress, youtube
Danh mục: Wordpress Template
animation, architecture, bootstrap, business, clean, elegant, interactive, interior, intro, jquery
Tags: animation, architecture, bootstrap, business, clean, elegant, interactive, interior, intro, jquery, multipurpose, portfolio, responsive, smooth, wordpress
Danh mục: Wordpress Template
Creative Template for Mobile App Landing Page
Tags: application, css, animation, html5, template, jquery, landing, landing, page, mobile, mobile, app, one, responsive, template
Danh mục: Web tin tức
Beautyhouse – Health & Beauty is a fully Responsive HTML Template.
Tags: beauty, css3, fullscreen, slider, health, html5, jquery, multicolumn, photo, gallery, reponsive, retina, spa, superslides
Danh mục: Web tin tức
animation, architecture, bootstrap, business, clean, elegant, html5 intro, interactive, interior
Tags: animation, architecture, bootstrap, business, clean, elegant, intro, interactive, interior, jquery, multipurpose, portfolio, responsive, smooth, wordpress
Danh mục: Wordpress Template